The New York Film Academy seeks to promote and advance the art of Visual Storytelling (Film and related media including staged performance) as a transformational and ennobling vehicle to both the creator and audience, with a profound impact on individuals, communities and global society.
NYFA propagates visual literacy and visual storytelling through hands-on intensive learning.
It seeks to make visual storytelling education accessible to the most diverse, international, and broadest possible spectrum of students, and to hone the skills of future professionals so that they may one day serve the visual storytelling arts as industry leaders.
Tuition: $14,969 (USD) Per Semester
Equipment & Technology Fee: $1,614 Per Semester
Program duration can be 3 or 6 semesters.
*Please note the most a student can potentially receive off their tuition as scholarship per year is $15,000, no amount is promised.
*Late Applications can be submitted between November 11th and December 2nd (Late Application Fee $200).
Program Available in the following campuses: